Jesus' Son: Stories Denis Johnson
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Jesus' story of the Prodigal Son portrays a God who is like the father, never giving up on his children. In both of the stories we have today the great figures of faith are helping widows. In the other direction, at the same time, you have another crowd — the crowd following a widow as she goes to bury her only son. The poorest and most vulnerable of all, widows in these two stories receive the greatest gift of all – the return of their sons' lives, which meant the possibility of a future. The collection of short stories of Jesus' Son is something of a paradox. And since thirty is a week away, i ordered it on (for some odd reason the library did not have a copy) and read it in about two days (due to the quick-paced momentum of the stories). I'll be honest: I don't really like Denis Johnson. We have sons coming back to life. From JESUS' SON: STORIES, Harper Perennial, 1993. A similar point is made in the Gospel where Jesus' word raises the dead son of a widow and the people proclaim 'a prophet has come among them'. Writing Craft: Jesus' Son by Denis Johnson. By the time Jesus gets to the end of the lost son story, it had to be obvious that the theme was about lost things. Jesus could directly command the dead man to get up. Starring Billy Crudup, Samantha Morton, 1999. We have widows getting back their places in society. And all our stories today have this theme of God and life defeating Sin and Death. They are heading in one direction. The underlying difference is that one is a prophet – a great one at that; and the other, the Son of God!