Shadow of Victory David Weber
Publisher: Baen
Cthia wrote: I'm going to assume that you mean you'd rather initially read the digital copy as opposed to having the digital copy instead. I have to wait till the book is translated. I think what most of us don't like is not that it's taking time but the lack of any transparency. The manuscript is not finished and has not been submitted in final form just yet. Amazon has just sent me an email stating that the publication date for Shadow ofVictory will be 1st November 2016. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Shadow of Victory at This is the first snippet from Shadow of Victory. Shadow of Victory: David Weber: 9781476781822: Books - Shadow of Freedom is the title of a novel in David Weber's Honor Harrington series. Shadows of Victory: Rhineland Inheritance/Gibraltar Passage/Sahara Crosswinds (Rendezvous with Destiny 1-3) [T. "not before the end of my spring semester". Shadow of Victory $28.00, Angeleyes $26.00, Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen $16.00, The Right to Arm Bears $6.99, The Vor Game $6.99, Onward, Drake! There is no lack of communication from Baen. Ashes of Victory (HH9) Storm from the Shadows (SI2); Torch of Freedom (WS2) ; Shadow of Freedom Shadows of Victory E-Arc Up (self. The Hardcover of the Shadow of Victory by David Weber at Barnes & Noble. They didn't know when RFC would finish working on SoV. Maldorian wrote: You lucky ones. Henry, read the Updates from David thread. By the end of 1944, victory over Germany seemed certain. Shadow of Victory by David Weber, 9781476781822, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.